
illustration of an anchor with the words "I'll swim with you" surrounding it and an ocean background

Welcome to Mermaids 4 Mental Health!

Mermaids 4 Mental Health is all about erasing the stigma of mental health, both above water and below. Focusing on Neurodiversity,  Inclusivity, Autism Awareness and Acceptance. 🌊

Shello! My name is Mermaid HeArt and I am an Autistic Mermaid, Artist and Founder of Mermaids 4 Mental Health. 🔱

As an Autistic Mermaid with Lived Experience, this is my dream, to give back to our beautiful Mermaid Community.

My hope is to continue to create more Mental Health Resources through my Art, Comics, Podcast, and the brand new Self-Care Workbook for Mermaids! 🙏🏽

Self-Care Workbook for Mermaids

The new Self-Care Workbook for Mermaids is available in my Etsy Shop!

This workbook is your treasure map to navigating the currents of self-care in the most fin-tastic way possible! So, let’s make some waves in your self-care daily routine… and remember, “Self-Care isn’t Shellfish!”

Mermaids 4 Mental Health Podcast

Join me as I interview Mermaids from around the globe who share their journeys and want to help erase the stigma of mental health both above water and below!

By sharing our mental health journeys, stories and offerings, our aim is to help create a community where we truly feel like we belong.

You are stronger than the tide.